Research Article

Profiling the Resident and Infiltrating Monocyte/Macrophages during Rejection following Kidney Transplantation

Figure 1

scRNA analysis of leukocytes in the kidney. (a) UMAP plot explored 12 clusters in the kidney tissue at a resolution of 0.25. (b) Gene expression of PTPRC indicated CD45+ leukocytes. (c) CD45+ leukocytes were subclustered into five clusters. (d) Pie plot shows the frequency of each cell type. (e) The subclusters were annotated with known markers for T cells (CD3), monocyte/macrophages (CD14 and MS4A7), and B cells (CD79A/B). Violin plots showed the projection of indicated genes. IGG1 refers to memory B cells or plasma cells. (e) NKT cells were shown with marker genes such as GNLY, NKG7, and GZMB. The IL7R gene refers to conventional T cells.