Research Article

Effects of miR-373 Inhibition on Glioblastoma Growth by Reducing Limk1 In Vitro

Figure 4

Effects of anti-miR-373 on p21 and cdc2 expression. (a) p21 mRNA level was increased in the presence of anti-miR-373 transfection by the real-time quantitative PCR, and (b) western blot result also proved that higher p21 expression was obtained after anti-miR-373 transfection; (c) cdc2 mRNA level was decreased in the presence of anti-miR-373 transfection by the real-time quantitative PCR, and (d) western blot result also proved that lower cdc2 expression was obtained after anti-miR-373 transfection (bars indicate the standard deviation of the mean; each experiment was performed in triplicate; ).