Research Article

Igg-Dependent Hydrolysis of Myelin Basic Protein of Patients with Different Courses of Schizophrenia

Table 2

Demographic and clinical characteristics of patients with different types of schizophrenia.

Subgroups of patients with schizophreniaContinuous course of schizophreniaEpisodic course of schizophrenia with progressive deficitEpisodic course of schizophrenia with stable deficitSimple schizophrenia value Kruskal–Wallis test

Age median (IQR)34.00 [32.00; 54.00]39.00 [38.00; 46.00]39.00 [34.00; 41.00]34.00 [26.00; 45.00]NS
Duration of disease, years median (IQR)14.00 [13.00; 20.00]13.00 [6.00; 17.00]11.00 [5.00; 12.00]8.00 [5.00; 17.00]NS
PANSS total score100.00 [87.00; 116.00]83.00 [74.00; 98.00]76.00 [65.00; 81.00]92.00 [84.00; 111.00]0.0381

NS: nonsignificant; value for multiple comparisons with Kruskal–Wallis test including all groups of patients.