Research Article

Identifying and Validating an Acidosis-Related Signature Associated with Prognosis and Tumor Immune Infiltration Characteristics in Pancreatic Carcinoma

Figure 8

Immune infiltration patterns and the prediction of immunotherapy response in TCGA-PAAD. (a) Comparisons of the infiltrating scores of the 24 immune cells obtained by ssGSEA between the ARI high-risk and low-risk groups in TCGA-PAAD. Comparisons of the TIDE scores (b) and the proportion of the predicted immunotherapeutic responders (d) between the two groups in TCGA-PAAD. Comparisons of the TIDE scores (c) and the proportion of the predicted immunotherapeutic responders (e) between the two groups in GSE62452. ssGSEA: single-sample gene set enrichment analysis; ARI: acidosis-related index; TIDE: tumor immune dysfunction and exclusion.