Research Article

Hyperlipidemia May Synergize with Hypomethylation in Establishing Trained Immunity and Promoting Inflammation in NASH and NAFLD

Figure 5

Trained immunity enzyme genes were differentially expressed in statin treatment (HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor) in the mevalonate synthesis pathway and modulated in human and mouse NASH/NAFLD. (a) Venn diagram showed the overlapped trained immunity enzyme genes (PMID: 31153039) with differentially expressed genes (DEG) in statin (atorvastatin and rosuvastatin) treatment (GSE24187). (b) List of trained immunity enzyme genes differentially expressed in atorvastatin and rosuvastatin and upregulated in human and mouse NASH/NAFLD models. (c) Venn diagram showed that the upregulated trained immunity enzyme genes in human and mouse NASH/NAFLD overlapped with the differentially expressed genes in atorvastatin and rosuvastatin treatment.