Research Article

An Immune-Related Prognostic Classifier Is Associated with Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma Microenvironment

Figure 7

Potential connections among TME components in DLBCL patients. (a, c) Chord diagram of the correlation among 22 leukocyte subtypes in patients from the GSE31312 cohort (a) and GSE10846 cohort (c). The red edge indicates a positive correlation between the two cells, while the green one indicates a negative correlation, and node size indicates the number of cells interacting with the designated cell. (b, d) Heatmap of the correlation among 22 leukocyte subtypes in patients from the GSE31312 cohort (b) and GSE10846 cohort (d). (e) Heatmap of 22 immune cell proportions and immune infiltration, including immune and stromal scores.