Research Article

Chinese Traditional Medicine NiuBeiXiaoHe (NBXH) Extracts Have the Function of Antituberculosis and Immune Recovery in BALB/c Mice

Figure 6

Relationship networks of DE genes between before and after M. tuberculosis infection and INH or NBXH-H treatment. The BP (a), CC (b), or MF (c) relationship networks among the normal control, Water, INH, and NBXH-H groups were conducted by Gephi software. WNUB, IWUB, NWUB or WNDB, IWDB, NWDB represented up- or downregulated DE genes involved in BP among the four groups. WNUC, IWUC, NWUC or WNDC, IWDC, NWDC represented up- or downregulated DE genes involved in CC among the four groups. WNUM, IWUM, NWUM or WNDM, IWDM, NWDM represented up- or downregulated DE genes involved in MF among the four groups. Relationships of interest are shown in bold lines.