Research Article

Chinese Traditional Medicine NiuBeiXiaoHe (NBXH) Extracts Have the Function of Antituberculosis and Immune Recovery in BALB/c Mice

Figure 7

Pathway analysis and relationship networks of DE genes between before and after M. tuberculosis infection and INH or NBXH-H treatment. Pathway bar plot explanation and pathway map explanation. The significantly up- or downregulated pathways were ranked by enrichment score (-log10 ( value)) value. The top 10 up- or downregulated pathways between the Water-treated group and the NC group (a), between the INH-treated group and the Water-treated group (b), or between the NBXH-H-treated group and the Water-treated group (c) are shown as bar plots. Additionally, the relationship networks of DE genes associated with the top 10 up- or downregulated pathways are made by PowerPoint software (d). The pathways located in the orange region on the left were significantly upregulated, while the pathways located in the light blue zone on the right were significantly downregulated. The interactions between pathways that were significantly upregulated in the Water vs. NC groups but downregulated in the INH vs. Water or the NBXH-H vs. Water groups are shown in the blue lines, the interactions between pathways that were significantly downregulated in the Water vs. NC groups but upregulated in the INH vs. Water or the NBXH-H vs. Water groups are shown in the red lines.