Research Article

Role of TLR5 in the Translocation and Dissemination of Commensal Bacteria in the Intestine after Traumatic Hemorrhagic Shock

Figure 2

Profile of intestinal mucosal biological barrier after THS. (a) Alpha diversity analysis of microbial communities in the small intestine of sham-operated (WT.N.S () and T5.N.S ()) mice, 12 hours post-THS (WT.THS1290.S (), T5.THS1290.S ()) mice, and 48 hours post-THS (WT.THS4890.S (), T5.THS4890.S ()) mice. (b) Principal component analysis (PCA) of the above six groups. (c) Heatmap of operational taxonomic units of commensal bacterial genera from sham-operated and post-THS WT or Tlr5−/− mice. The red box indicates anaerobes in the WT mice, and the blue box indicates anaerobes in the Tlr5−/− mice. (d) Relative abundance of the bacterial genera or families of microbial communities in the small intestine of sham-operated and post-THS WT or Tlr5−/− mice. Data represent the . (e, f) Representative images (e) and comparisons (f) of RegIIIγ staining in the small intestine of sham-operated and post-THS mice of different genotypes were shown. (g) Luminal RegIIIγ was determined by ELISA. The number of mice in each group is described in (a), except in €. All significant values are indicated, and is considered significant by one-way ANOVA test. WT indicates wild type, T5 indicates Tlr5−/−, N indicates sham-operated, S indicates small intestine, 12 h or 48 h indicates the number of hours post-THS, and 90 indicates the shock period of 90 minutes.