Research Article

Schistosoma japonicum Infection in Treg-Specific USP21 Knockout Mice

Figure 6

Specific antibody responses in USP21fl/flFOXP3Cre mice infected with S. japonicum. (a–d) Serum collected from the WT and KO mice in the NC and INF groups (/group) at different stages of the infection (uninfected, day 20, day 30, day 42). (a) Comparison of the changes in the anti-SEA IgG content. The data are presented as the . For the comparison between infection groups, on day 20, on day 30, and on day 42. (b) Comparison of the anti-SEA IgM content. The data are presented as the , and on day 42 when comparing between the infection groups. (c) Comparison of the anti-SWAP IgG contents. The data are presented as the ; for the comparison between infection groups, on day 20, on day 30, and on day 42. (d) Comparison of the anti-SWAP IgM contents. The data are presented as the . For the comparison between infection groups, on day 20, on day 30, and on day 42.