Research Article

Transcriptome Analysis of Large to Giant Congenital Melanocytic Nevus Reveals Cell Cycle Arrest and Immune Evasion: Identifying Potential Targets for Treatment

Figure 4

Cell cycle arrest and significantly upregulated P16 expression in lgCMN. (a) Relative gene expression of cell cycle inhibitors in lgCMN and normal skin tissues. Red bars represent upregulation, and blue bars represent downregulation. (b) Morphology of A375, NHM, and lgCMN cells with different shapes and number of dendrites. (c) Cell cycle assays. P2 cells of each cell line were cultured for the experiment. (d) Immunohistochemical staining for SOX10 (upper panels), P16 (middle panels), and Ki67 (lower panels) of normal skin (; ), lgCMN (; ), and lgCMN-developed melanoma (; a supplementary lgCMN patient with malignant transformation at 4 years of age). SOX10, P16, and Ki67 were stained using the AEC chromogen. (e) Histograms show the number of P16+ or Ki67+ cells per SOX10+ cells in the epidermis and dermis. (f) Immunofluorescent staining of SOX10, P16, and Ki67 in P2 NHM (; ) and P2 lgCMN cells (; 3 foreskin samples from different children). P16+ and Ki67+ cells were stained using FITC-conjugated antibodies, and SOX10+ cells were stained using Cy3-conjugated antibodies. (g) Histograms show the number of P16+ or Ki67+ cells per DAPI and SOX10+ cells. represents differences between NHM and lgCMN in the -test. Error bars represent the . lgCMN: large to giant congenital melanocytic nevus; NHM: normal human melanocytes; P2: passage 2; ND: not detected; SD: standard deviation. .