Research Article

Maternal Immune System and State of Inflammation Dictate the Fate and Severity of Disease in Preeclampsia

Figure 4

Evaluation of pro-/anti-inflammatory cytokines and BMP-4 levels from PPE vs. preterm controls with/out smoking history. (a, b) Analysis of proinflammatory cytokines TNF-α, IL-1B, IL-6, IL-35, and IL-10 in sera of preterm preeclampsia compared to control preterm cohort by ELISA. The serum samples were diluted in sample buffer as per manufacturer’s recommendation, and manufacturer’s instructions were followed for analysis and quantification of the specific cytokines. ELISA results shown here are from 8-30 specimen samples belonging to subjected used in the study. (b) Analysis of BMP-4 in sera of preterm preeclampsia compared to control cohort by ELISA. s denotes smoker, and ns denotes nonsmoker. represents statistically different with value <0.05.