Research Article

Identification of Immune-Related Genes and Small-Molecule Drugs in Interstitial Cystitis/Bladder Pain Syndrome Based on the Integrative Machine Learning Algorithms and Molecular Docking

Figure 1

Identification of immune-related IIC-DEGs based on the combined GEO datasets. (a) The upper PCA plot performs the combined gene expression datasets of GSE11783, GSE11839, GSE28242, and GSE57560. The lower PCA plot performs the combined gene expression datasets of GSE11783, GSE11839, GSE28242, and GSE57560 after removing batch effects. (b) Abundance of 28 infiltrated immune cells evaluated by ssGSEA for IC cohort and normal control cohort. (c) The heatmap performs the differentially expressed genes between the IC cohort and normal control cohort. (d) The volcano plot shows the detailed information of the IC-DEGs. (e) The Venn diagram performs the intersection genes between IC-DEGs and immune-related genes. (f) GO enrichment analysis based on the immune-related IC-DEGs. (g) KEGG enrichment analysis based on the immune-related IC-DEGs.