Research Article

Isthmin 1 is Expressed by Progenitor-Like Cells in the Lung: Phenotypical Analysis of Isthmin 1+ Hematopoietic Stem-Like Cells in Homeostasis and during Infection

Figure 2

ISM1+ cells have markers of progenitor cells and are lung-resident cells. Lung-derived cells were stained with different antibodies, and histograms of each marker are depicted. A representative experiment is shown of at least 3 independent experiments. Whole ISM1+ cells were selected as in Figure 1. (b) Lung cells were stained with antibodies to label ISM1, Sca-1, and CD49a. Percentages are shown. (c) WT mice were injected with APC anti-Sca-1, and after 5 min, cells were recovered from the lung and stained with FITC anti-Sca-1 and PE anti-ISM1. Percentages in intravascular and extravascular regions are shown. A representative experiment (out of 3) is shown.