Research Article

Decreased GZMB, NRP1, ITPR1, and SERPINB9 Transcripts Lead to Reduced Regulatory T Cells Suppressive Capacity in Generalized Vitiligo Patients

Figure 6

Role of GZMB, NRP1, SERPINB9, and ITPR1 transcripts in GV pathogenesis. (a) The decreased ITPR1 transcripts could lead to impaired calcium-NFAT signalling pathway, which might result in decreased GZMB and NRP1 transcripts. Further, the decreased SERPINB9 transcripts may result in increased granzyme B-mediated endogenous apoptosis of Tregs. Overall, the decreased GZMB, NRP1, SERPINB9, and ITPR1 transcripts result into decreased Treg suppressive capacity, which could lead to unchecked CD4+ and CD8+ T cells and thereby results into melanocytes’ destruction contributing to GV pathogenesis, progression, and severity. (b) Upon calcium treatment, ITPR1 mRNA expression is increased which may lead to intracellular Treg calcium influx and calcium-NFAT signalling pathway, thereby results into increased GZMB and SERPINB9 transcripts, leading to increased Treg suppressive capacity. The increased Treg suppressive capacity controls the CD8+ and CD4+ T cells proliferation and IFN-γ production and thereby contributes to melanocytes survival.