Research Article

[Retracted] Ameliorative Impact of Liraglutide on Chronic Intermittent Hypoxia-Induced Atrial Remodeling

Figure 1

The effect of Lir on body weight, HW/BW, blood glucose, blood pressure, and heart rate. (a, b) Statistical results of the BW, HW/BW ratios () after CIH and/or Lir treatment. BW was decreased following Lir administration. (c) The effect of Lir on blood glucose (), the blood glucose was decreased in the CIH+Lir group compared with the CIH group. (d–f) Heart rate and pressure measurements of systolic (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) in different groups (). Both SBP and DBP were decreased with no change in HR following Lir administration. Data are , .