Research Article

M2-Macrophage-Derived Exosomes Promote Meningioma Progression through TGF-β Signaling Pathway

Figure 5

Inhibition of the TGF-β pathway reverses the tumor-promoting biological effects mediated by M2-MDEs. (a) Western blot detection of protein expressions of TGF-β1, p-Smad3, Smad3, p-Smad2, and Smad2. (b) The expressions of Smad2 and Smad3 in nuclear and cytoplasmic protein fractions, respectively, were detected by western blotting. β-Tubulin and lamin B1 serve as house-keeping genes for cytoplasmic and nuclear proteins, respectively. (c) Detection of cell viability of IOMM-Lee and CH157-MN cells by CCK-8 assay. (d) EdU staining was used to label tumor cells in the proliferating state, and the EdU+ cell ratio was detected by flow cytometry. (e) Western blotting for the expressions of EMT-related genes. (f) Transwell chambers were used to detect tumor cell migration ability. (g) Transwell chambers preincubated with Matrigel were used to assess tumor cell invasiveness. , , .