Research Article

Molecular Allergy Diagnostics in Children with Cow’s Milk Allergy: Prediction of Oral Food Challenge Response in Clinical Practice

Table 3

Predictive cutoff values for raw caw’s milk (F 2), α-lactoalbumin (Bos d 4), β-lactoglobulin (Bos d 5), and casein (Bos d 8) reported in the most recent literature. Data are expressed as kUA/L.

AuthorReferenceF 2Bos d 4Bos d 8Bos d 5

Castro et al.[22]
Cuomo et al.[24]≥5
Petersen et al.[25]3.640.771.592.33
Ayats-Vidal et al.[27]3.872.251.60.95
Castro Neves et al.[28]78.877.3
Present study5.131.471.354.87