Research Article

Disturbances in the IgG Antibody Profile in HIV-Exposed Uninfected Infants Associated with Maternal Factors

Table 1

Demographic characteristics of HIV-unexposed uninfected (HUU) or HIV-exposed uninfected (HEU) newborns and their corresponding mothers.

Control mothersHIV+ mothersp Values

Maternal age (years, mean ± SD)31.4 (5.3)26.7 (6.1)0.0028#
Percentages of Th cells (mean ± SD)45.46 (6.4)29.4 (13.8)<0.0001#
CD4 count (cells/mm3, mean ± SD)n/a1,061 (377.8)n/a
Viral load (copies/mL: n (%))n/a6,954 (3643.9)n/a

HUU newbornsHEU newbornsp Values

Gestational age (weeks, mean ± SD)38.3 (1.3)37.8 (1.7)0.0533#
Length at birth (cm, mean ± SD)48.4 (2.2)48.2 (2.2)0.5160#
Birth weight (g, mean ± SD)2,979 (374.9)2,815 (420.1)0.0619#
Cephalic perimeter (cm, mean ± SD)34.3 (1.3)33.6 (1.5)0.0423#
Delivery typeN = 4, C = 67N = 17, C = 52<0.0001##
GenderF = 36 M = 35F = 35 M = 340.9973##
Percentages of Th cellsπ (mean ± SD)66.01 (8.7)65.9 (11.8)0.9429##
CD4 count (cells/mm3, mean ± SD)n/a2,214 (943.3)n/a

The results are shown as the mean and standard deviation. π refers to the percentage of Th cells among T cells. p Values for differences between groups were calculated using an unpaired t-test (#) or chi-square test (##). Bold values represent statistically significant results. n/a, not applicable.