Research Article

Long-Term Outcomes of Extent of Revascularization in Complex High Risk and Indicated Patients Undergoing Impella-Protected Percutaneous Coronary Intervention: Report from the Roma-Verona Registry

Table 2

Procedural characteristics.


Approach for PCI
 Radial66 (77)
 Femoral20 (23)
Number of treated vessels
 One-vessel PCI23 (27)
 Two-vessel PCI39 (45)
 Three-vessel PCI24 (28)
PCI on bifurcation52 (60)
PCI with Rotablator13 (15)
At least one DES implanted83 (96)
Post-PCI Angiographic scores
 Syntax Score12±8.
BCIS-JS Revascularization Index, mean±SD0.7±0.2
 Lower Tertile (0.20-0.50)28 (33)
 Mid Tertile (0.51-0.80)29 (34)
 Higher Tertile (0.81-1.00)29 (34)
Impella pump
 2.574 (86)
 CP12 (14)
Impella support duration, min°104 (55-3151)
Haemostasis technique
 Double Perclose54 (63)
 Prostar10 (12)
 Manual compression22 (25)

p<0.001 as compared with baseline values.
° value expressed as median with range.
PCI= percutaneous coronary intervention; DES=drug eluting stent; BCIS-JS= the British Cardiovascular Intervention Society myocardial Jeopardy Score.