Research Article

Prevalence of Posttranscatheter Aortic Valve Implantation Vascular Complications in Real Life

Table 4

Stepwise logistic regression studying the association between vascular complications, predictors, and adverse outcomes.

VariablesOR95% CI value

Smoking1.67[0.58; 4.77]0.33
Hypertension1.42[0.97; 2.08]0.06
NYHA class0.78[0.6; 1.02]0.07
TAVI indication0.54[0.29; 0.99]0.04
Prior valvuloplasty1.29[0.79; 2.1]0.3
Carotid disease1.57[0.71; 3.45]0.26
BMI1.02[0.98; 1.05]0.3
SAPT1.17[0.8; 1.7]0.4
DAPT0.73[0.46; 1.16]0.18
Right access site0.6[0.37; 0.99]0.04
Introducer sheath size 14 Fr0.63[0.45; 0.89]0.009
Valve types0.82[0.6; 1.1]0.22
Procedure duration1.8[1.2; 2.8]0.005
Death1.63[0.65; 4.09]0.29
Bleeding2.57[1.8; 3.6]<0.001
CCU stay (>24 hours)2[1.4; 3]<0.001

NYHA: New York Heart Association; BMI: body mass index; SAPT: single antiplatelet therapy; DAPT: dual antiplatelet therapy; TAVI: transcatheter aortic valve implantation; CCU: cardiac care unit.