Research Article

The Impact of Aortic Valvular Calcium on Transcatheter Heart Valve Distortion

Table 3

Procedural details.

Overall (n = 118)Noneccentric calcification group (n = 59)Eccentric calcification group (n = 59) value

THV size (mm)0.400
 2013 (11.0)7 (11.9)6 (10.2)
 2360 (50.8)34 (57.6)26 (44.1)
 2640 (33.9)16 (27.1)24 (40.7)
 295 (4.2)2 (3.4)3 (5.1)
Access route
 Transfemoral, n (%)118 (100)59 (100)59 (100)1.000
 Predilatation, n (%)63 (53.4)23 (39.0)40 (67.8)0.003
 Postdilatation, n (%)31 (26.3)18 (30.5)13 (22.0)0.403
Delivery balloon volume0.062
 Nominal volume, n (%)63 (53.4)36 (61.0)27 (45.8)
 Over filling volume, n (%)2 (1.7)2 (3.4)0 (0)
 Under filling volume, n (%)53 (44.9)21 (35.6)32 (54.2)
Valve oversizing ratio (%)21.1 (12.3–26.6)19.9 (10.4–25.7)21.2 (14.0–28.1)0.176

Values are expressed as median (interquartile) or absolute frequency (percentage). THV, transcatheter heart valve.