Research Article

Old Is (Not) Gold: Midazolam Monotherapy versus Midazolam Plus Fentanyl for Sedation during Cardiac Catheterization

Table 2

Comparison of independent groups on primary and secondary endpoints.

N = 69
M + F
N = 60
Mean difference (95% CI) value

Pain during procedure, n (%)18 (26.09%)17 (28.33%)0.78
Pain severity (1–10)1.1 (2.0)1.1 (2.3)−0.25 (−0.77–0.72)0.95
Premidazolam (mg)1.73 (1.02)1.59 (0.96)0.14 (−0.21–0.49)0.43
Prefentanyl (mg)0 (0)50 (25)0
Total midazolam (mg)3.71 (2.02)3.43 (1.93)0.28 (−0.42–0.97)0.43
Total fentanyl (mg)0 (0)75 (50)0
Total procedure time (mins)41.88 (34.40)38.62 (26.19)3.27 (−7.51–14.05)0.55

Values are mean (standard deviation). Values are frequency (percentage). . M, midazolam group; M + F, midazolam plus fentanyl group. value could not be calculated as fentanyl was not provided in the midazolam only group.