Research Article

Safety and Feasibility of Ultrasound-Guided Access for Coronary Interventions through Distal Left Radial Route

Table 4

Comparison between left distal radial and right radial access procedures.

Left distal radial accessRight radial accessp value

Mean procedure time in minutes with standard deviation
Total55.7 ± 32.843.9 ± 26.00.01
CAG37.3 ± 15.432.9 ± 16.10.05
PCI92.1 ± 27.373.4 ± 24.70.004
Median fluoroscopic time in minutes with interquartile range
Total6.6 (14.2)4.7 (8.2)0.02
CAG3.6 (3.5)3.1 (3.3)0.11
PCI22.3 (15.6)15.4 (11.1)0.02
Median radiation dose area product in Gray-cm2 with interquartile range
Total39.2 (97.0)43.8 (54.5)0.56
CAG26.2 (20.5)34.9 (21.6)0.01
PCI153.3 (119.4)137.7 (151.7)0.46

CAG: coronary angiography; PCI: percutaneous coronary intervention; cm: centimetre.