Research Article

Predictive Value of Soluble Growth Stimulator Gene 2 Protein for Coronary Slow Flow/No-Reflow in ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction Patients Receiving Percutaneous Coronary Intervention


Baseline characteristics of study population, mean ± SD or n (%).

VariableControl group (n = 192)CSF/NRF(n = 50)

Age (years)61.2 ± 12.266.6 ± 12.00.006
Male (n, %)144 (75.0)36 (72.0)0.655
Hypertension (n, %)100 (52.1)20 (40)0.128
Diabetes mellitus (n, %)47 (24.5)21 (42.0)0.014
Smoking (n, %)115 (60.0)26 (52.0)0.313
BMI (kg/㎡)24.5 (22.4, 26.8)24.7 (20.7, 27.8)0.774
Preinfarction angina (n, %)31 (16.1)10 (20.0)0.518
Killip grade (n, %)0.578
 Killip I163 (84.7)44 (88.4)
 Killip ≥ II29 (15.3)6 (11.6)
Time to reperfusion (min)344.0 (196.0, 545.8)305.5 (208.8, 609.3)0.967
sST2 (ng/ml)46.5 (35.6, 64.0)80.6 (55.1, 121.4)≤0.001
Peak NT-proBNP (ng/L)1595.0 (709.5, 2942.3)1831.0 (1040.0, 3650.0)0.048
Peak CK-MB (U/L)66.0 (33.1, 135.8)121.0 (73.1, 187.8)≤0.001
Peak cTNI (pg/ml)2.7 (1.3, 7.1)5.3 (3.5, 8.0)≤0.001
NRL3.9 (2.5, 6.6)6.3 (3.4, 10.9)≤0.001
WBC (109)9.91 ± 3.419.93 ± 3.600.974
Fibrinogen (g/L)2.7 (2.2, 3.2)2.6 (2.1, 3.1)0.614
LDL-C (mmol/L)3.1 ± 0.92.8 ± 0.70.061
Blood uric acid (ummol/L)353.5 (278.5, 419.8)354.5 (274.5.0, 412.0)0.735
Fasting blood sugar (mmol/L)6.2 (5.0, 7.9)6.9 (6.0,9.3)0.008
Lipoprotein α (mg/dl)145.5 (86.3, 256.6)206.7 (88.4, 285.5)0.273
CCr (ml/min)94.8 (69.5, 121.1)81.5 (67.4, 106.8)0.090
LVEDV (mm)99.5 (86.8, 107.3)100.0 (90.0, 120.0)0.313
LVESV (mm)52.0 (41.3, 62.8)52.0 (43.0, 59.3)0.609
EF (%)0.42 (0.38, 0.46)0.41 (0.38, 0.44)0.104

Bold values are statistically significant ().