Research Article

Predictive Value of Soluble Growth Stimulator Gene 2 Protein for Coronary Slow Flow/No-Reflow in ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction Patients Receiving Percutaneous Coronary Intervention

Table 2

Angiographic procedural characteristics of the study population, mean ± SD or n (%).

VariableControl group (n = 192)CSF/NRF group (n = 50)

Preoperative SBP (mmHg)131.5 (118.0, 145.8)116.0 (106.8, 132.0)≤0.001
Preoperative DBP (mmHg)79.0 (70.0, 89.0)72.5 (65.0, 84.3)≤0.001
Intraoperative hypotension57 (29.7)29 (58.0)≤0.001
Position of myocardial infarction0.095
 Anterior wall90 (46.9)19 (39.5)
 Lateral wall18 (9.4)2 (2.3)
 Inferior wall83 (43.2)29 (60.5)
 Posterior wall8 (4.2)6 (14.0)
 Right ventricle18 (9.3)7 (16.3)
Infracted arteries (n, %)0.119
 LAD85 (50.0)15 (34.9)
 LCX11 (6.5)1 (2.3)
 RCA74 (43.5)27 (62.8)
LM involvement24 (12.5)3 (6.0)0.193
Diffuse lesions (n, %)67 (34.9)16 (32.0)0.701
Gensini lesions (n, %)63.5 (43.0,88.0)62.0 (44.5,92.8)0.806
Stent length (mm)29.0 (19.0, 43.0)39.5 (28.0, 51.0)0.118
Contrast agent dosage (ml)130 (110, 160)135 (127, 160)0.468

Bold values are statistically significant().