Research Article

Clinical Factors and Outcomes When Real-World Heart Teams Overruled STS Risk Scores in TAVR Cases

Table 3

Procedure information of TAVR groups.

STS PROM≤3% (N = 415)STS PROM>3% (N = 2,711)

TAVR access site, N (%)<0.001
Femoral389 (94.0%)2345 (87.0%)
Transapical14 (3.4%)191 (7.1%)
Transcarotid6 (1.4%)73 (2.7%)
Subclavian/axillary3 (0.7%)62 (2.3%)
Others3 (0.7%)40 (1.5%)
TAVR procedure time (min), mean ± SD86.6 ± 43.694.5 ± 50.40.003
TAVR procedure time (min), median (IQR)74.0 (57.0–104.0)81.0 (61.0–113.0)<0.001
Contrast volume (ml), median (IQR)100.0 (65.0–150.0)90.0 (60.0–130.0)0.003
Fluoroscopy time, median (IQR)13.6 (9.2–20.0)14.6 (9.9–20.9)0.115
Type of valve, N (%)
 Single balloon-expandable valve319 (76.9%)2023 (74.6%)0.326
 Single self-expanding valve84 (20.2%)615 (22.7%)0.266
 Multiple valves5 (1.2%)42 (1.5%)0.591

Abbreviations: SD=standard deviation; IQR=interquartile range; STS PROM=predicted risk of mortality for surgical aortic valve replacement based on the Society for Thoracic Surgeon's risk model; TAVR=transcatheter aortic valve replacement.