Research Article

The Reorientation of T-Cell Polarity and Inhibition of Immunological Synapse Formation by CD46 Involves Its Recruitment to Lipid Rafts

Figure 4

Lipid raft association is necessary but not sufficient for the control of MTOC polarization by CD46 ligation. MD45 cells, untransfected or transfected with CD46 variants as shown, were untreated (black bars) or ligated with antibodies to Tfr ((a), grey bars) or CD46 ((a) and (b), white bars), then incubated with CD3/28 beads for 90 min. Cell-bead conjugates were adhered onto glass slides by centrifugation, stained for α-tubulin, and examined by immunofluorescence microscopy. Samples were blind scored for the MTOC location, given as the percentage of cells in which MTOC was found at the cell-bead interface. Error bars represent SEM for 4–8 independent experiments of 50 cells each.