Research Article

Trans-10, cis 12-Conjugated Linoleic Acid-Induced Milk Fat Depression Is Associated with Inhibition of PPAR Signaling and Inflammation in Murine Mammary Tissue

Table 7

Top pathways affected in the liver of mice fed trans-10, cis-12-CLA determined by gene enrichment analysis using the ToppGene suite application.

IDNameSource valueTerm in QueryTerm in Genome

(A) Upregulated genes

(1) Reactome electron transport chainGenes involved in electron transport chainMSigDB: C2.cp-Reactome 775
(2) Reactome glucose regulation of insulin secretionGenes involved in Glucose Regulation of insulin secretionMSigDB: C2.cp-Reactome 10161
(3) PWY-561Glyoxylate cycle IIBioCyc 420
(4) hsa01040Biosynthesis of unsaturated fatty acidsKEGG pathway 422
(5) Reactome host interactions of HIV factorsGenes involved in host interactions of HIV factorsMSigDB: C2.cp-Reactome 8120

(B) Downregulated genes

(1) PW:0000028Alanine and aspartate metabolicPathway ontology 310
(2) hsa00643Styrene degradationKEGG pathway 23
(3) BioCarta eryth pathwayErythrocyte differentiation PathwayMSigDB: C2.cp-BioCarta 315
(4) BioCarta stem pathwayRegulation of hematopoiesis by cytokinesMSigDB: C2.cp-BioCarta 315
(5) TYRFUMCAT pwyTyrosine degradationBioCyc 25