Research Article

Dietary Oxidized Linoleic Acid Modulates Plasma Lipids beyond Triglycerides Metabolism

Figure 2

Plasma ApoC3 significantly decreased in a dose dependent manner in low OxLA () compared to plain group. The levels were also significantly reduced () between low OxLA and LA. Plasma ApoC3 levels were also significantly reduced () in higher OxLA group compared to the LA. (b) Oxidized linoleic acid supplementation led to dose dependent significant () decreases in plasma hepatic lipase when compared to the plain fed group of mice. The decreases in the hepatic lipase levels in the LA control group compared to the plain mice were not significant. (c) Plasma ApoA5 levels decreased but nonsignificantly in the treated groups compared to the plain control. (d) ANGPTL3 concentration decreased among the OxLA fed groups compared to the LA control linoleic acid group; interestingly the experimental groups had either similar or slightly elevated ANGPTL3 concentration compared to the plain groups.