Research Article

Dispersal and Differentiation of Deep-Sea Mussels of the Genus Bathymodiolus (Mytilidae, Bathymodiolinae)

Figure 2

The phylogenetic relationships of the deep-sea Bathymodiolus mussels and their relatives based on the 423-bp mitochondrial ND4 sequences. The NJ tree was constructed based on the genetic distances calculated according to Kimura’s two-parameter method using Modiolus nipponicus as an outgroup species. The MP and Bayesian trees presented essentially the same topology as the NJ tree. Only the NJ (left) and MP (middle) bootstrap values >50 and Bayesian posterior probabilities (right) 0.50 are specified. The scale bar indicates 0.01 substitutions per site. See Table 1 for abbreviations of Bathymodiolus mussels and their relatives. , hydrothermal vent; Circle, cold-water seep; ■, wood/whale bone; , shallow.