Research Article

Dispersal and Differentiation of Deep-Sea Mussels of the Genus Bathymodiolus (Mytilidae, Bathymodiolinae)

Figure 4

The minimum spanning trees revealing the genetic population structure based on the 423-bp mitochondrial ND4 sequences. The tree (a) was constructed using total 60 specimens of B. platifrons from the seeps of the Sagami Bay (PH1 20), B. platifrons from the vents of the Okinawa Trough (PT1 10, 12 15, PI1 4, PY1, 2), and B. japonicus from the seeps of the Sagami Bay (JH1, 2, 4 21). Black, haplotypes possessed by B. platifrons specimens from the vents; gray, haplotypes shared by B. platifrons specimens from the seeps and vents; white, haplotypes possessed by B. platifrons or B. japonicus specimens from the seeps. The tree (b) was constructed using a total of 70 specimens of B. septemdierum from the Myojin Knoll (SM1 10) and the Suiyo Seamount (SS1 11), B. brevior from the North Fiji Basin (BN1 17, 19 30), and B. marisindicus from the Kairei field (MK1 19, MK from a database). Black, haplotypes possessed by B. marisindicus specimens; gray, haplotypes shared by the three species; white with the bold outline, haplotypes possessed by B. brevior; white with the thin outline, haplotypes possessed by B. septemdierum or those shared by B. brevior and B. septemdierum.