Research Article

Structural Changes in Macroinvertebrate Communities Associated with Reduction in the Management of Coastal Saltpans

Table 5

Significant Pearson correlation coefficients (Pearson ) between abiotic variables, and total abundance, diversity indices, relative abundance, and percentage of organic matter in macroinvertebrate communities.

Max_depth Mean_depth SaltOM in sediments (%)

Total abundance
Species richness
Margalef index
Pielou’s eveness
Simpson’s index
Relative abundance (COR-N)
OM in macroinvertebrates (%)

Legend: Max_depth - maximum water depth (cm); Mean_depth: mean water depth (cm); Salt: salt concentration in water (%); OM: percentage of organic matter (%); COR-N: Corixidae nymph; n.s.: non significant.