Research Article

The Impacts of Ex Situ Transplantation on the Physiology of the Taiwanese Reef-Building Coral Seriatopora hystrix

Figure 3

TRIzol versus RNALater. Six Seriatopora hystrix samples were collected from Houwan, and three biopsies ( 50 mg) were removed from each and immersed in either TRIzol or RNALater as described in the text. Half of the samples stored in RNALater were homogenized and stored at −20°C, while the other half of the samples were simply kept at 4°C. RNA, DNA, and, in certain cases, protein were extracted from the six biopsies of each fixation strategy treatment. RNA concentration ([RNA]; black triangles and left -axis) and 260/280 (hollow circles and right -axis) and 260/230 (exes and right -axis) ratios were compared between the three fixation strategies (a). Likewise, the DNA concentration ([DNA]; black triangles and left -axis) and 260/280 (hollow circles and right -axis) and 260/230 (exes and right -axis) ratios were also compared (b). In panel b, the lower case letters adjacent to icons represent Tukey’s honestly significant difference (HSD) groups ( ) for the [DNA] data, while upper case letters represent HSD groups for the 260/230 ratio data. Both protein concentration ([protein]; black circles connected by a dotted line and left -axis) and total protein (hollow squares connected by a solid line and right -axis) were compared between only two fixation strategies, immersion in either TRIzol or RNALater (without homogenization) (c). In all panels, error bars represent standard error of the mean.