Research Article

Trends in Marine Turtle Strandings along the East Queensland, Australia Coast, between 1996 and 2013

Table 1

Chi-squared total strandings by species and age class between years.

Species and age classdf

Loggerhead small immature64.4717<0.001
Loggerhead adult sized53.3317<0.001
Loggerhead large immature217.2217<0.001
Green large immature 254.3117<0.001
Green adult sized514.2917<0.001
Green small immature 2535.9217<0.001
Turtle small immature705.3617<0.001
Turtle large immature116.9317<0.001
Turtle adult sized481.2217<0.001
Hawksbill small immature227.2117<0.001