Research Article

Zeolite Encapsulated Nanocrystalline CuO: A Redox Catalyst for the Oxidation of Secondary Alcohols

Table 1

Zeolite encapsulated nanocrystalline CuO catalyzed oxidation of alcohols(a).

S. NoSubstrate Catalyst% Conversion(b)% of products

(4)C Y21.028.771.3
(11)Benzyl alcoholCuOY13.7100

(a)Substrate loaded zeolite heated in solid phase reactor at 200°C for 1 hour under oxygen atmosphere.
(b)Analyzed in GC, error limit ±3%.
(c)Unidentified products.
(d)Reaction carried out at 100°C.
(e)Physical mixture of Y-zeolite and CuO.