Research Article

An Evaluation on Transfection Efficiency of pHRE-Egr1-EGFP in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells Bel-7402 Mediated by PEI-MZF-NPs

Figure 7

Image of agarose gel electrophoresis of pHRE-Egr1-EGFP, free and mixed with PEI-MZF-NPs at different mass ratios (PEI-MZF-NPs: pHRE-Egr1-EGFP) (lane 1: Mark; lane 2: 0 : 1; lanes 3 to 5: 1; lane 4: 10 : 1; lane 5: 20 : 1; lane 6: 40 : 1; lane 7: 80 : 1).