Research Article

Influence of Lithium on Nanosized Films of Fe2O3

Table 3

Raman wave numbers and assignments of the hematite films prior and after addition of Li+ ions.

AssignationRaman shift/cm-1

78 w56 sh69 vw
99 sh
A1g 213 vs221 w221 m223 s223 sh219 vw
Eg 241 sh245 w241 vw
267 sh
Eg 282 vs286 vs284 m290 vs297 m296 m
Eg 395 w402 vs393 s 404 s407 vs407 s
A1g 488 w490 w490 vw
Eg 586 w608 w600 w608 w609 w608 w

1: First measurement, 2: Second measurement after 8 months: vs: very strong, s: strong, m: medium, sh: shoulder, w: weak, vw: very weak.