Research Article

Diarylfluorene-Based Shape-Persistent Organic Nanomolecular Frameworks via Iterative Friedel-Crafts Protocol toward Multicomponent Organic Semiconductors

Table 1

Physical data of PyFA, BPyFA and BPyFBFFA.

Compound (nm/abs) (nm/PL) (nm/PL) (°C)c (°C)d(HOMO/eV)e(LUMO/eV)eBand gap

PyFA298, 350405 454 430 147 −5.29−2.51 2.78
BPyFA298, 350421 468 519 218 −5.36−2.63 2.73
BPyFBFFA349401, 422 433 402 130 −5.32−2.63 2.73

in CHCl3 solution; bfilm; cobtained from TGA measurements, : decomposition temperature, the temperature was recorded corresponding to a 5% weight loss; dobtained from DSC measurements, : glass transition temperature. eHOMO/LUMO , where the value 0.05 V is for FOC versus Ag/Ag+.