Research Article

[Retracted] Restoration of Critical-Sized Defects in the Rabbit Mandible Using Autologous Bone Marrow Stromal Cells Hybridized with Nano-β-tricalcium Phosphate/Collagen Scaffolds

Figure 2

Characterization of rabbit BMSCs and in vitro bioactivity of BMSCs in n-β-TCP/Col scaffolds. (a) Micrograph of BMSCs cultured in regular medium for 3 days. (b) CD34 immunohistological staining of BMSCs cultured in regular medium. (c) ALP staining of passage 3 BMSCs cultured in osteogenic medium for 7 days. (d) SEM micrographs of induced BMSCs in the n-β-TCP/Col scaffolds after 3 days of culture. (e) CCK-8 assay results of the proliferation of BMSCs in n-β-TCP/Col scaffolds at various time points. (f) Change of ALP activity in BMSCs in direct contact with the n-β-TCP/Col scaffolds after 10 days of incubation in osteogenic medium (BMSCs cultured on tissue culture plates were used as the control).