Research Article

Synthesis and Mechanism of Tetracalcium Phosphate from Nanocrystalline Precursor

Figure 3

XRD patterns of synthetic samples after air-cooled quenching at various temperatures: full patterns (a, c 2θ = 15–60°) and partial patterns (b 2θ = 20–35°, d 2θ = 15–45°), (a) synthetic sample, after air-cooled quenching at 1150–1500°C for 8 h, (b) partial patterns of (a), (c) after air-cooled quenching at 850°C, 1100°C, 1150°C, 1200°C, and 1250°C for 8 h, (d) after air-cooled quenching at 1180°C, 1185°C, and 1190°C for 8 h.