Research Article

In Silico Study of Spacer Arm Length Influence on Drug Vectorization by Fullerene C60

Table 1

(a) Geometric parameters values of free and added TQ (trans) onto C60. (b) Theoretical geometric parameters values of free TQ (cis).

TQ transTQ + C60
Geometrical parametersSTO-3G6-31G(d)6-311++G(d,p)STO-3G
HFB3LYPB3LYP [22]MPW1PW91 [22]MP2 [22]B3LYP [22]MPW1PW91 [22]HF

Distances (Å)
Angles (°)


TQ Cis
Geometrical parametersSTO-3G6-31G(d)6-311++G(d,p)
HFB3LYPB3LYP [22]MPW1PW91 [22]MP2 [22]B3LYP [22]MPW1PW91 [22]

Distances (Å)
Angles (°)