Research Article

Nanohybrids Near-Field Optical Microscopy: From Image Shift to Biosensor Application

Figure 10

(a) left part: near-field optical image of gold plots covered by Streptavidin/Rhodamine molecules, excited at 633 nm. About 44% of the samples nanoplots emit light homogeneously, contrarily to the double spot feature in Figure 8(a). The dimensions of the image are slightly different from Figure 8(a). Right part: optical profile line of excited plots, within the region under the blue arrow. (b) Left part: near-field optical image of gold plots covered by Streptavidin/Rhodamine molecules, excited at 514 nm. About 83% of the samples nanoplots shine well. Right part: optical profile line of excited plots, within the region under the blue arrow. (c) Absorption (black) and emission spectra (red) of nanohybrids. Extinction spectrum of gold nanoplots is in blue. The area under the spectrum is shaded in light blue for more clarity.