Research Article

Facile Synthesis of Nanostructured Anatase Titania with Controllable Morphology via Oxidation of TiC with Hydrogen Peroxide

Figure 4

(a) TEM image for the acidic powder obtained after the oxidation of TiC with H2O2 for 20 hours, displaying the morphology of spongy balls made of entwining 2D nanosheets. Inset is the SAED showing the observable diffraction rings. (b) HRTEM image of a 2D nanosheet, demonstrating the presence of crystallized nanograins. (c) SEM image for the nanostructured anatase TiO2 obtained by annealing the amorphous acidic powder in (b) at 750°C for 2 hours, showing the morphology of spongy spheres. Inset is an enlarged SEM image for the surface of a spongy sphere. (d) RT Raman (top) and XRD pattern (bottom) for the annealing-produced anatase TiO2 in (c).