Research Article

Thermal Stability of Cryomilled Al-Mg-Er Powders

Table 4

XRD results and TEM grain size for the 0.1 Er annealed powders.

Powder sampleLattice parameter (Å)Mg in matrix (at.%)Grain size, XRD (nm)Microstrain (%)Correlation coefficient, Grain size, TEM (nm)Number of grains,

Milled4.0662 ± 0.00155.26220.0940.9216 ± 1592
150°C4.0575 ± 0.00043.0524 0.0410.9723 ± 1325
180°C4.0537 ± 0.00072.08260.090.9732 ± 3313
250°C4.0549 ± 0.00022.39320.0760.9932 ± 3318
330°C4.0552 ± 0.00022.46340.0520.9537 ± 4665
500°C4.0538 ± 0.00042.11500.0870.8645 ± 5390