Research Article

Topographical Guidance of PSC-Derived Cortical Neurons

Figure 2

Analysis of neurite length and cell identity on different pillar topographies. (a) Schematic design of the micropillar substrate according to Micholt et al. Reproduced with the permission of the authors. (b) Examples of neuronal morphology on different pillar configurations (H9 neuronal progeny on pillar configuration: spacing 1.0 μm/width 1.2 μm; spacing 1.8 μm/width 5 μm; spacing 2.8 μm/width 1.4 μm). Cells were stained with an antibody against TUJ1. (c) Heatmap plots in function of width and spacing, representing the cell number, total neurite outgrowth, and presence of the neuronal marker TUJ1 and progenitor marker NESTIN, 24 h after plating.