Research Article

Assessment of Charged AuNPs: From Synthesis to Innate Immune Recognition

Figure 6

FACS analysis of whole blood samples in the presence of charged AuNPs. Whole blood was intravenously extracted and incubated with PBS, PMA, or various AuNPs (PLL, PVA, and PEG) at 37°C for 15 mins. Samples were then analyzed using flow cytometry. (a) Forward scatter (FSC) distribution of gated PMNs plotted using a logarithmic scale. A representative histogram with an increased FSC signal for PMA and PLL. This increase in cellular size most likely indicates the activation of polymorphonuclear cells, including neutrophils. Plots were gated at 200,000 cells per sample and extracted using FlowJo. (b) Bar chart of three replicas depicting nonsignificant (NS) values for PEG and PVA compared to PBS. depicts a significant activation by PLL compared to PBS with a value < 0.001.