Research Article

In Vitro Toxic Effect of Biomaterials Coated with Silver Tungstate or Silver Molybdate Microcrystals

Table 1

Mean (standard deviation) of living cell percentages compared to control, obtained in the different tests, according to the biomaterial and the employed coating.

Cytotoxic assayMaterialCoating
Ag2WO4Ag2MoO4Without coating

AlamarTi77.3 (2.6)aA73.3 (1.8)aA96.9 (2.1)bB†
Zi73.4 (1.2)aA69.2 (1.2)aA88.6 (1.3)aB
AR76.7 (1.6)aA74.3 (1.0)aA88.6 (1.8)aB

MTTTi73.7 (2.8)bA76.3 (3.4)aAB84.2 (0.3)aB
Zi63.7 (2.6)aA61.2 (2.8)bA85.2 (5.4)aB
AR72.5 (3.9)abA71.0 (1.2)abA82.6 (3.1)aB

CytoTox-ONETi66.8 (0.8)aA63.5 (1.8)bA86.4 (2.2)aB
Zi63.7 (4.0)aB53.3 (2.1)aA75.2 (2.2)bC
AR65.1 (1.6)aB59.2 (1.4)abA81.6 (1.1)aC

Means followed by the same letter (uppercase in line or lowercase in the column) were not significantly different (Tukey test: ). Not significantly different from the living cell control.