Research Article

Identifying a Six-Gene Signature Predicting Response to TACE in Hepatocellular Carcinoma by Bioinformatics Analysis

Figure 4

The PPI network of DEGs between HCC samples from TACE responders () and nonresponders (). There were 151 nodes and 336 edges. By using the CentiScape plug-in, 10 hub genes (CXCL8, CYP3A4, MMP9, UGT2B15, AFP, CYP2C9, CYP1A1, HRG, SERPINC1, and AGXT) and 8 bottleneck genes (CXCL8, AFP, CA9, CYP1A1, MMP9, CYP3A4, SERPINC1, and PCK1) were obtained.