Research Article

Milk Products Containing Bioactive Tripeptides Have an Antihypertensive Effect in Double Transgenic Rats (dTGR) Harbouring Human Renin and Human Angiotensinogen Genes

Table 2

Biochemical variables and cardiac and renal hypertrophies at the end of the three-week treatment period (mean ± SE, 𝑛 = 6 - 9 ).

VariableControlFermented milkPeptideDifference between the groups, 𝑃

Urinary albumin, mg/d22 ± 435 ± 830 ± 4.20
PRA, ng Ang I/mL/h90 ± 1799 ± 3095 ± 19.98
BNP, pmol/L3.1 ± 0.52.3 ± 0.23.5 ± 0.3.24
Aldosterone, pg/mL1228 ± 3022551 ± 9211494 ± 218.18
Cardiac hypertrophy index (mg/g)5.3 ± 05.1 ± 05.1 ± 0.59
Renal hypertrophy index (mg/g)4.6 ± 04.8 ± 04.8 ± 0.61